youth justice training and technical assistance

office of juvenile justice delinquency and prevention juvenile justice reform act (JJDPA/JJRA 2018)

Custom curricula development designed to assist states in achieving and maintaining compliance with all JJRA (2018) requirements.  As former compliance monitors, we are well versed, especially in the core requirements


Significant focus is on coaching workers to view youth and their behaviors through a trauma-informed lens.  Child-serving agency professionals learn the importance of asking themselves “what happened to the youth” rather than wondering “what is wrong with them”

evidence-based AND RESTORATIVE

Curricula include most recent evidence-based, best practices for restoratively handling youth and decriminalizing normal adolescent behaviors


Being aware and cognizant of how important positive relations are with young people is critical to realizing positive outcomes.  Additionally, providing youth with positive development opportunities is the key to their success and ours

overall system improvement

All stakeholders benefit from system improvement; our projects assist agencies in uncovering the areas most in need, fill gaps, provide solutions, and offer continuing support to achieve impactful changes and strengthened systems.

Multi-phase projects including ongoing training, technical assistance, policy review and general consultation

adolescent brain development and youth culture

Understanding why youth do what they do, normal adolescent behavior, and youth culture, is a crucial component of system decision-makers’ ability to proceed restoratively, in the best interest of the youth and family. It is also critical that workers appreciate the similarities and differences in youth cultures such as Native American youth culture, rural youth culture, and pop culture

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

-Nelson Mandela


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